Just a small slice of bike life from Ireland

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

It would not seem right to have a 2% culture blog and not mention Larry today. Some would regard him as the greatest bike builder of our generation,most would agree that he was among the best. I think it was a combination of knowledge, skill,hard work,charisma and good old fashioned luck that put Larry at the top of his game. Whatever your thoughts on him,his work influenced people from NYC to the smallest villages in Australia, Asia and Europe. Anything that inspires chopper building has to be a good thing. Ride in peace Larry.

Friday, 26 August 2016

In most parts of the world,there are only a few weeks left of camping weather,get out and enjoy it. Go for a ride,anywhere,set up camp and light a fire. It doesn't matter if you are alone,with your mrs. or with mates. Enjoy it while you can,lie under the stars,smell the earth and appreciate your life & freedom.
Perfect Pan Bobber at Linkert Attacks this year. Photo by Mungo Chino.
Beautiful and simple photo. I think that the knuckle belongs to one of the Vice Grips MC outta Austin,Texas and I am guessing that the photo is by Tim.

Friday, 19 August 2016

3rd Street,Lwr east side,NYC.
1980's New York City.  (With respect to HAMC.)
Late 1960's Generator Shovel (possibly a Pan/Shovel) with rider relaxing in the 1980's.
She is an exceptionally clean Knuck!
Apologies again for the lack of posts this week!!! It has been absolutely crazy busy for me here for the last few weeks. I have been getting organised and TCB but I will concentrate on this blog again now.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Working on Panhead and a new workshop,while getting our new house built and trying to build a new business. At least we are not under stress.
Sorry for lack of posts over the last week,been crazy busy. I will get back to proper posting again next week!!!

Friday, 5 August 2016

Beautiful Pan,although I have no info on the photo unfortunately.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

I don't know anything about this photo,its been floating around the net for a while now,but its a great shot. Perfect composition.

Monday, 1 August 2016

It's always great to meet Pat and Jimmy on the road. The attention to detail and work that these guys put into their bikes is commendable. I love seeing Irish bikes that are so well put together and cared for on the road. We used to associate bikes of this caliber with American and Scandinavian builders,but it's really nice to know that they are built in Irish countryside sheds. 'Twas good to see so many well built older bikes,at the Hokey Gathering in Waterford,Ireland this weekend.
Damn clean chop Jimmy.
Jimmy Talbots beautiful Shovel chop at the Hokey gathering this weekend. Jimmy built this bike 21yrs ago and is still riding her regularly.  Paughco frame,Dna springer,factory engine and box. Paint by Ger Conlon.