Just a small slice of bike life from Ireland

Friday, 17 June 2016

Ol' Ladies.
If you can't trust who lies beside you as you sleep,then who can you trust? Often his Ol' Lady is the foundation,that a solid biker is built on. If the biker T.C.B. on the street,then he needs to know that he can trust someone to take care of business at home. Alot of people would say that is a sexist thing to say,some would concede that it's old fashioned,personally I would just say it's fact. An honourable guy will respect and fully appreciate his woman at all times,in the knowledge that she is 100% confident,together they can take on the world.
 (Photos courtesy of @straightsatans)

1 comment:

  1. It is fact if an old lady is rock solid the relationship will be old school loyalty, respect, and caring on both sides is the cement to bind a relationship.
